Department of "Stream of Thoughts": Profitting from Jetlag in Cairo, Egypt

Jet lag can be good! I am unable to sleep - I see from my  hotel bed that it is dark outside my open window. 
Here in old Cairo, I crawl down the stairs of my fun loving guest house. Before dawn breaks, everything is still. The friendly night guard and I, sit together around an old Arabesque carved wooden table and chairs, me aiding him to stay alert, we share a warm tea he makes for us and we both chat heart to heart, guy to guy, about everything and nothing.

The Cairo air is still clean and the gentle cool breeze blowing in from the open door gives the perfect and calm  feeling rare in a big city like this one. A bit later I wander around old Islamic Darassa and the neighbourhood of Khan-e-Khaleeli narrow alleys, the dawn makes the minarets of Al Azhar mosque and Al Azhar University look enchanting and "exotic" from my sleepy night/morning Jet lag walk.

My watch reads 0400 in the morning, Cairo time, not my time. passing by another security man who smiles at me, sitting in a dark corner in a small back street building.  There supposed to be a sauna-bath house for men near by. Just a fleeting idea in my mind, thinking how the steam bath would wake me up, but I am not sure where is it located as the small back streets around Khan-e-khalili look similar. I have no idea what my time is. 
Just a few wandering thoughts from my Cairo wanderings, during a jet lag moment.


  1. What a beautiful blog. You are a poet who writes prose. Loving it. And the photos are beautiful

  2. What a beautiful blog. You are a poet who writes prose. Loving it. And the photos are beautiful
