The Vagaybonds: Chris and Jim

Oahu, Hawaii
Jim and Chris have travelled with peace, humility, humbleness and open-mindedness to over 57 Countries and lived in 8. "We are anxious to experience Argentina, Georgia, India, Iran, Mali, Senegal, and Tajikistan."

Here is a list of the countries they have seen. Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Canada, China, Czech Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, England, Ethiopia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Kenya, Laos, Latvia, Lebanon, Lithuania, Malaysia, Mexico, Morocco, Myanmar (Burma), Nepal, Netherlands, NewZealand, Norway, Okinawa, Oman, Pakistan, Poland, Qatar, Russia, Scotland, Serbia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United States, Wales, and Yemen. They have lived in England, Germany, Japan, Jordan, Poland, Qatar, Thailand, and currently in the United States.

Molivos, Greece
They enjoy interesting local food, sweets, beer and especially wine from Chris's native land, Africa for which he longs to discover his original ancestry. They enjoy trying local food and drinks. Jim longs for the exotic. " I love red ant egg curry แกงไข่มดแดง in Thailand's Northeast, field rat หนูแห้งทอด in Laos, Brynza cheese in Slovakia and Oscypek Goral Cheese when I am in Poland, a local Xhosa beer when in a shabeen in Wild Coast, South Africa." Camping in a tent with nice guys, making barbecues, bathing in waterfalls, kayaking, hot tub parties with guys, and meeting fun people around the world are some of the activities that motivate their travels.

California, USA: Yosemite, National Park
"Our travels have excited us about learning the language of different cultures. Here is the current list. English (United States) Expert, Thai (fully functional), Arabic (Levantine / Shami) Intermediate, English (United Kingdom) Expert, Persian (Beginner), Polish (Beginner), and Spanish (Beginner)."

Waimanalo, Oahu, Hawaii
Jim is of Polish and Lithuanian decent. He happened to be born in Chicago and educated in the UK. " I began my travels when I was just 10 years old, and have never looked back".  Jim has taught English as a Second Language in over 5 countries and enjoys meeting new people with differing backgrounds. Coming out to himself when he was 19, Jim had the support of his family, which made self acceptance much easier. 

East Oahu
Chris was born in America, his ancestry is primarily of West African decent with a bit of East European. Chris is the family genealogist. " I have traced both sides of my parents family to the African slave trade of the USA and one ancestor to West Africa." He is a Graphic artist, web designer, researcher, and recent red wine lover. 


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