Beirut: A gay night out at Bardo Club

Beirut: A Gay Night Out at Bardo Club

It was the birthday of our friend Mohammad's sister, and we were invited to her party. The party was at a famous gay club called Bardo. It was a perfect location for Mohammad, her sister and her wife as well as a room full of Beirut's gay and lesbian friends.

We entered the club to the sound of Arabic pop music blasting, with almost no room on the dance floor. Gay men strutting and other gay men dancing on the table gyrating in flamboyance: shaking their hips and torsos, arms flying all over the place.
When a famous singer or popular song started playing, loud screaches and the dance floor became more furious in dancing!

I danced with as many people who were near me as much as I could until I sat down in exhaustion! It was great fun and a playful  and peaceful night in Beirut.

Being a private party and a gay event, we didn't take so many personal photos of people at the club. We enjoyed it more as a "private moment". 

Views of Beirut from our pent house flat

We hope we can be invited to more fun parties like this, and to experience more clubs around Beirut.


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